Yoga is for everyone, says Alison Drake, founder and teacher at Omskool Yoga. “There actually isn’t a way to be ‘good’ or ‘not good’ at it. It comprises of eight different ‘limbs’ and the physical postures in yoga (yoga poses) are sometimes given more focus than the other limbs, especially in terms of physical flexibility. But your life probably won’t be better if you can do the splits!” she laughs.
A former primary school teacher with music as her specialism, Drake taught in primary schools for 14 years before setting up OmSkool Yoga in 2018. She was born in the UK to a British father and Sri-Lankan mother and has called Hong Kong home since August 2007.
“I have been practising yoga since 2008 and initially just wanted to learn how to share it with the children in my class at school. I completed my Yoga for Children teaching qualification in 2016 and had not intended to quit my job and start my own business, but I fell in love with the magic of teaching yoga and mindfulness to children and knew I had to,” she says.
According to Drake, who loves youngsters, “Our behaviour and emotions are directly linked and children arrive at classes presenting a wide variety of emotions: happy, excited, sad, tired, angry, anxious… It is an important part of my work to help children understand their emotions and to teach them healthy coping strategies to self-regulate. At the end of the day, I believe everyone wants to feel good but we are generally not taught how to be!”
Drake teaches toddlers, children, teenagers, even families, in a variety of settings including multi-week yoga and mindfulness programmes at schools; private classes at clients’ homes and en plein air. She also teaches at birthday parties and special events. She says one of the highlights of 2024 was teaching Family Yoga classes at Clockenflap Music and Arts Festival — “a truly incredible experience” for her.
She says children are often expected to just know how to focus, how to be calm, not to worry, how to self-regulate their emotions, but if they are never actually taught how, it’s a very big ask. “Through yoga and mindfulness, children can develop their: emotional literacy, focus, concentration, confidence, healthy self-esteem and learn how to relax and feel calm. This, is in addition to the physical benefits of developing body awareness, strength, flexibility, balance and co-ordination”.
She emphasises that yoga classes for children are really different from the adult variant. “It is important to keep the practice age-appropriate and engaging. Classes are themed and include games, music, songs, props, mindful arts/crafts, discussions and partner/group yoga poses, making classes playful and meaningful,” she says.
Drake enthuses that it would be great if yoga were to become a fixed element of school curricula. “Regular Yoga and Mindfulness classes for all children, in all schools, is a dream of mine. Children deserve to be taught how to feel good physically, mentally and emotionally and to have strategies available to them for when life gets hard.”
She describes the transformative effect of yoga on her own life metamorphosing her from a “very shy and physically awkward young adult”, and adding that yoga provided a way for her to connect with her body and build confidence.
Over time, she says she began to understand that yoga is much more than a physical practice. “I am very interested in the breathing exercises, meditation and yogic philosophy. One of my own yoga teachers said: “Yoga is not something we do, it is something we are. I really like this.”
“Playing a role in the lives of the young people I teach is such a privilege for me.”
“I am incredibly grateful to be supported by my amazing family, friends, students and teachers who all encourage me so much and are always there for me,” says Alison Drake, Founder of Omskool Yoga.
“Some advice I regularly give myself is simply two words: ‘Keep Going’. I love my work so much and, of course, within it there are challenges that need to be navigated. I focus on my mission, on what I can control, I value myself and I continue to trust that I am on the right path. Ultimately, my own life experiences have taught me that life is too precious to not follow your dreams if you are able to.”
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