Fighting the Tide

Being Neighbourly x Andrea Richey, Hong Kong Shark Foundation


Planting the seeds of change in today's youth.

In 2015, Andrea Richey, now Executive Director of the Hong Kong Shark Foundation was living a very different life. Trained as a lawyer, she was working long hours as a suit in the corporate sector.

But, the death of her father prompted her to question the meaning of life and the things she’d thought were important and this led to yet more ruminating: What was her relationship to her surroundings, and the state of the planet?

To do her bit, Richey began volunteering at different charities and one of these was Hong Kong Shark Foundation. “Volunteering for HKSF was a kind of re-education,” says Richey, who discovered things she hadn’t known, for example, that sharks are at risk with over 270 million of them killed every year, and, though the optics suggest otherwise, that they desperately need our help.

Education and collaboration with local schools is the key to successfully integrating marine conservation into the curricula to foster a new generation of shark and ocean stewards.
She did what many dream of doing and quit her corporate job – in her case, to volunteer full-time at the foundation. “My role started out as an educator focusing on our Shark Ambassador education program and by the end of 2016, I had taught 2,356 students,” says Richey. “Today, I am proud to say that I am the Executive Director speaking to over 10,000 students every year and consistently planting those seeds of change for all of our futures.” 
The Hong Kong Shark Foundation is a registered Hong Kong charity with a mission to educate people about shark and ocean conservation. They aim to raise awareness and educate people about shark conservation, particularly the unsustainable practice of shark finning, and to reduce consumption of all shark products. According to Richey, this can feel like fighting the tide in a culture where many remain unaware of the importance of keeping sharks afloat in the ocean. 
Meanwhile, the vision of the Foundation, says Richey, is to create a world where sharks thrive in healthy oceans, and communities understand and value the vital role these creatures play in marine ecosystems. “We envision a future free from the unsustainable practices of shark finning and the consumption of shark products, where conservation efforts empower individuals and inspire collective action for ocean protection.” 
Sharks are the largest of all fish.
Shark fins are cut off while the sharks are still alive.
But, what’s the ‘So-what factor’? In a world that often appears to be falling apart, on so many fronts, why should you or I care about sharks and HKSF? According to Richey, sharks are vital to ocean ecosystems and the health of our planet; and, by caring about sharks, we contribute to a more sustainable future for marine environments and for ourselves. 
Says Richey, “Caring about sharks is crucial for five broad reasons: 1. Ecosystem Health – Sharks are apex predators, playing a vital role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems. They help regulate species populations and contribute to the overall health of ocean habitats; 2. Biodiversity – Sharks are part of a rich tapestry of marine life. Their presence supports biodiversity, which is essential for resilient ecosystems capable of withstanding environmental changes; 3. Economic Importance – Healthy shark populations attract ecotourism, providing income for coastal communities. Shark diving and wildlife tourism can be more profitable than fishing for shark; 4. Environmental Indicators – Sharks serve as indicators of ocean health. Their decline often signals broader environmental issues, such as overfishing and habitat degradation; and 5. Sustainable Practices – Protecting sharks raises awareness about the need for sustainable fishing practices and ocean conservation that benefits all marine life.” 
Many will have seen Richey outfitted as a shark and will have admired the tenacity of her social media outreach that documents a busy activist lifestyle. Through her involvement, the Hong Kong Shark Foundation actively engages the local community: through educational programs, workshops and campaigns that promote shark conservation. Key outreach activities include: School Education Programs: Collaborating with students and educators to integrate marine conservation topics into curricula, fostering a new generation of advocates; Public Workshops: Participating in events to educate the community about the importance of sharks and the impacts of shark finning; and Community Events: Organizing beach clean-ups and conservation events to involve the public in hands-on activities that support ocean health; and Awareness Campaigns: Running initiatives like the Shark-Free Wedding campaign to inspire individuals to make sustainable choices and raise awareness about shark conservation. 
The Hong Kong Shark Foundation collaborates with other ocean conservation NGOs, such as Plastic Free Seas, in several impactful ways including Joint Campaigns; by sharing resources, community events; cross-promotions and educational programmes. 

What is the best part of what you do?

Richey, Executive Director of HK Shark Foundation.

“Bar none, the most memorable moments have been teaching and connecting with students,” shares Richey.

“Having impactful student engagement and seeing students transform into passionate Shark Ambassadors, organizing their own events, and advocating for shark conservation in their communities have made for my most memorable moments at the Hong Kong Shark Foundation,” she adds.

“I love what I do and am very proud to be a shark ambassador,” says Richey.

Hong Kong Office:
Suite 2405, 9 Queen’s Road, Central
(Appointments necessary)


About the Author

Being Neighbourly

For over 20 years, the people behind BN have been creating content on the best things in life: food, travel and inspirational people.

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