In 2015, Andrea Richey, now Executive Director of the Hong Kong Shark Foundation was living a very different life. Trained as a lawyer, she was working long hours as a suit in the corporate sector.
But, the death of her father prompted her to question the meaning of life and the things she’d thought were important and this led to yet more ruminating: What was her relationship to her surroundings, and the state of the planet?
To do her bit, Richey began volunteering at different charities and one of these was Hong Kong Shark Foundation. “Volunteering for HKSF was a kind of re-education,” says Richey, who discovered things she hadn’t known, for example, that sharks are at risk with over 270 million of them killed every year, and, though the optics suggest otherwise, that they desperately need our help.
“Bar none, the most memorable moments have been teaching and connecting with students,” shares Richey.
“Having impactful student engagement and seeing students transform into passionate Shark Ambassadors, organizing their own events, and advocating for shark conservation in their communities have made for my most memorable moments at the Hong Kong Shark Foundation,” she adds.
“I love what I do and am very proud to be a shark ambassador,” says Richey.
Hong Kong Office:
Suite 2405, 9 Queen’s Road, Central
(Appointments necessary)
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