A charity for charities is a great way to describe Charitable Choice!” says Cheryl Wilson, Founder & CEO of Charitable Choice, enthusiastically, when I make the suggestion of this perception of her outfit.
Wilson founded the charity in 2010 due to the duality of the city, believing that together, with compassion we can close the gap on inequalities, “Hong Kong is an amazing city, yet families live in poverty, animals are abandoned daily, and the environment is suffering.
According to Wilson, This is the WHY behind Charitable Choice, and the best way to effect change in our local community is to get behind the efforts of local charities that are actively working to bring about this change every single day.
“With our donations, charities can provide free services to the most vulnerable in our community. Charitable Choice provides the platform for everyone, young and old, to be able to do that. It’s philanthropy at your fingertips!”
Charitable Choice has three main types of charities on its website: Animals, Environment and People with People forming the majority of charities on the platform because, says Wilson, most charities in Hong Kong focus on helping disadvantaged people.
“Did you know that 1.39 million people (20.2% of Hong Kongers) live in poverty including 580,000 elderly? Can you believe that the median monthly income of the poorest 10% of households was only HK$1,600 in 2024, a drop of more than 50% since 2020?” she challenges.
Wilson says that donations via Charitable Choice have helped Hong Kong people in many ways, for example:
* Tutorial classes and after-school activities for over 8,000 underprivileged children. (Changing Young Lives, Po Leung Kuk, SOCO)
* Over 100,000 meals for the needy in Hong Kong.(FeedingHK, Food Angel)
* Extra festive food and birthday parties for over 360 elderly living in care homes. (Helping Hand, St. James’ Settlement)
Charities that support animals and the environment also feature on the platform, and Wilson shares that Charitable Choice has provided vaccinations and food for over 1,000 abandoned cats and dogs. (Hong Kong Dog Rescue, SPCA)
Charitable Choice began as Hong Kong’s only charity gift card (a title which still stands true today) and has evolved to serve their 70 charity partners in different ways over the past 14 years.
“Our growth has been organic and in response to our charity partners’ needs. Currently, we offer one-off and monthly donations, customised fundraising pages and a suite of free teacher resources to nurture the next generation of philanthropists.”
Says Wilson, “Young people are the future of Hong Kong and we need to reinforce the importance of helping those less fortunate at an early age. We believe that every child can be a ‘Charity Hero’ so we developed the Charity Hero section of the Charitable Choice to educate, inspire ownership of a cause and teach children the importance of giving back through interactive quizzes and educational videos.”
Families can explore the many opportunities to spread kindness and make Hong Kong a better place to live for everyone.
“I encourage all families with young children to begin the Charity Hero journey by taking our quiz to discover what type of Charity Hero they are https://www.charitablechoice.org.hk/pages/charity-hero-take-the-quiz”
Charitable Choice is also the platform partner for the Hong Kong Legal Walk which takes place every November and which has raised over HK$2.5 million for local charities via Charitable Choice in the past three years,” she says.
How do charities become part of the Charitable Choice family? According to Wilson, they must be registered in Hong Kong and actively providing services to benefit the local community.
Charitable Choice checks on the charity’s financial status, scope of activities and meets with their management team prior to onboarding them. On an ongoing basis, Wilson says, they continue to liaise with charities to learn more about their impact on the local community, observe their programmes in action when feasible and maintain a dialogue with their team when donations are received on their behalf.
“The onboarding process and continued due diligence takes a significant amount of time… If we are able to find a sponsor or partner to help us grow our team, we may be able to provide our service to more charities,” she says, sharing that they are not onboarding new outfits at present.
“Charities rely on the generosity of donors in order to carry out their missions to serve Hong Kong and every donation counts.“
“Charities are generally having a difficult time in Hong Kong,” she continues, “and could use your help. Other than making a simple online donation, there are so many ways to get involved – buy a coffee from The Nest cafe to support The Nesbitt Centre, donate old towels and newspapers to the animals at SPCA, plant trees at Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, donate $100 to help an elderly person living alone to have an emergency call button, donate life jackets to Sailability, donate supermarket coupons to Society for Community Organization,” she says.
“The best thing about the work that I do is that I get to meet with and learn from so many passionate people who work in the charity sector in Hong Kong,” says Cheryl Wilson, Founder & CEO of Charitable Choice.
“As part of our commitment to maintain dialogue with our charity partners, I conduct in-person visits to each charity to see them in action. For example, I recently visited the dedicated team and the many rescued dogs at Hong Kong Dog Rescue Tai Po Homing Centre. What a wonderful organisation that rescues and rehomes over 500 dogs each year! My visit to InspiringHKSports Foundation taught me that only 8% of children in Hong Kong reach the WHO recommendation of 1 hour of exercise every day and thousands of Hong Kong children cannot afford extracurricular sports. That amazing charity has helped over 15,000 underprivileged children engage in and fall in love with sport so far.”
Charitable Choice
Keen Hung Commercial Building, Suite 602, 6/F, 80 Queen’s Rd E, Wan Chai.
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